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1st Initiation

If there is one thing I will recommend to whole world it is to take Babaji’s Kriya Yoga techniques through the initiations offered by his lineage of acharyas. It was an excellent class. Gurudasan Sir taught us with such cheer and clarity, that I couldn’t help but deeply recognise the enormous necessity of true awareness in every second of our lives. The techniques were taught with lot of patience, joy, and kind guidance. I truly loved that the class was interactive. Having practiced the ancient Pranayama and Dhyana techniques that sir taught us, I could scarcely believe just how still my mind and body started to become. My work life has become more efficient, my relations have become beautiful, I experience joy and peace no matter what life gives me. Through Sir Gurudasan I learnt the true beauty lies in 100% selfless service and how it heightens our own happiness and happiness of the world around us, and reminds us the true purpose of existence—-self realisation, that the same self rests in every human. Understanding how to live a life of love, peace, service, devotion ( to God) and thus, to seek the highest ( self-realisation) that a human being can achieve is beautifully described by sir in the intitiation class. I personally think the whole world needs this right now. Om Kriya Babaji Nama AUM

Nilanjana Chennai, India, 2024

It was a unique, deep and profound spiritual experience. I learned many new things about the spiritual and philosophical background of Kriya Yoga and all nuances of the Kriya Yoga meditation and pranayama techniques with attention to all subtle details, explained in understandable language with a sense of humor and very positive energy, with much knowledge and dedication. Something evolved in me again deeply. I am very happy that we made this workshop possible.

Tomek Warsaw, Poland, 2019

A profound and powerful experience.
Satyananda talks inspirational and his teaching of the Kriyas was clear and precise giving confidence in the practice from the outset. The practices accentuated blockages in my body indicating how powerful it was and I am looking forward to working with the careers in my daily practice from now on. Thank you.

Andy First Initiation - London 2019


Satyananda’s gentle way of imparting his rich insight and knowledge along with his clear guidance through the different practices was powerful and such a gift. I found it amazing inspiring, and uplifting. A most inspiring weekend with wonderful people. Thank you.

Ann First Initiation - London 2019


I would like to express my deepest gratitude for everything I have received from my first initiation. Words can’t relay what I have felt during and after this initiation, all that I searched for and all that I wished to find has slowly started to come together and now my pathway to self-realisation has opened so much more. I have read many books and practiced many forms of yoga but nothing like this. There is a purity I cannot describe but only feel. The knowledge and depth of Satyananda is truly memorising and backed by spiritual intellect and wisdom from the ancient yogic teachings long diluted through history. I felt truly energised being in Satyananda’s presence and to learn these ancient Kriya’s which Babaji has passed down to us I feel blessed. Everyone there is on their pathway which creates such a beautiful environment of learning.
Even now I find it hard to put into words what I experienced. If your pathway has led you here, then it is for your own inner calling to experience too.

Aum Kriya Babaji Nama Aum

Arvin First Initiation - London 2019


This was truly an awakening experience. I am so amazed of the wisdom and knowledge I was able to receive and be exposed to. Very very very grateful to Mirena and everyone involved thank you for this gift.

Clarence First Initiation - London 2019


It was a beautiful 3 days of learning from a wise and enlightened person. I came with not really knowing much about the course but just that I wanted to be there. Satyananda is so relatable in the way he explains the technique of the Kriya and meditations. Understanding the why and even the anatomy of the energy channels is very helpful when it comes to doing the breath work and meditations.
I had some amazing aha moments, where some things just clicked into place because of the way in which they were explained.
Marina told me at the beginning to use the time as my time to get what I needed to from the workshop and that was such great advice. I switched my mindset to be fully present with no distractions and the experience was very cleansing for my mind. It was a joyful experience.

Heena First Initiation - London 2019


This was a mind changing experience. A huge thank you and I look forward to applying these techniques in my daily life. I wish I had this opportunity long ago

Jennie First Initiation - London 2019


It was truly an enlightening and exceptional experience even though I have attended sessions on other yoga practices.

Jyoti First Initiation - London 2019


I love the weekend and I'm recommending it to everyone. I am so grateful. It’s heaven-sent. Thank you

Philippa First Initiation - London 2019


A BIG thank you to Satyananda for sharing his wisdom and light. Everything he said and practiced this weekend felt like home. He recommended me a book by Ramana Maharshi that I found this morning at home (I bought it about 3 months ago, not sure why!) These strange and wonderful coincidences show that I am on the right path with right people.

Tatiana First Initiation - London 2019


I would love to be able to find the words to describe the beauty of such an experience. All I can say with all my heart is “THANK YOU”.
The Sadhana is doing great! Sometimes it's not easy to bring the focus in a specific direction or to keep it there. Having a direction to start being aware of who is doing what (the monkey or the Self) is a great value in itself and a solid basis from which to start gaining mastery over the techniques with a consistent practice.
The beauty of the explanations, the amazing and caring energy, the food - all has made of the weekend not only a way to get in touch with ancient valuable and life changing techniques, but a proper ‘Satsang’ and a beautiful moment one can look back at for the rest of one's live with a very deep and sincere sense of Gratitude.

Zak First Initiation - London 2019


The initiation was organised to perfection and everyone felt the level of care which had been put in throughout. I loved the energy. I feel the initiation gets deeper each year, people are coming more open and thirstier for detail and life application of the techniques, which they are gifted by Satyananda. The teaching was, as always, given purely from the heart and without any ego. For me I was glowing from the energy of seva and seeing others expand and awaken. It was an opportunity to return to my intention to trust and deepen, which always comes at the right time. I really emphasise to people to come back each year as there is always more to be gathered and these re-injections of faith and prana are essential for an ongoing Sadhana

Ali - Volunteer First Initiation - London 2019


I had a brilliant experience. Volunteering is such a powerful stimulator of the heart. I felt much more connected. I loved working as part of the volunteer team and felt the planning and thought that went into the program made it better for all.

Sherwyn - Volunteer First Initiation - London 2019


It was a wonderful spiritual experience. I feel blessed in every sense.

Reshma - Volunteer First Initiation - London 2019


I was delighted to find the initiation integrated my own experience and research into quantum mechanics, subtle energies, law of attraction and spirituality.

Anonymous London, 2018


Satyananda teaches in a very concise and a light-hearted manner that holds your attention. He not only explains how to do the practices effectively but gets you to directly experience as well. He gives valuable context of how the practices actually work, through knowledgeable about Yoga philosophy, the various schools and other teachers as well as his own experiences. As for the actual practices, I have found them incredibly useful and definitely think they're worth learning.

Anonymous London, 2018


Thank you for all. I took another step on my path to light.

Colin Mills London, 2018


Excellent workshop. Satyananda is very knowledgeable. He communicates with ease, commitment and makes it fun. I look forward to practicing daily and enjoying the benefits it provides to me and others around me. It was a truly eye opening experience. A lot to digest and practice. I'm ready to be the pilot of this vehicle. Here's to everyone finding their true self.

Jagdish Patel London, 2018


Satyananda's knowledge and explanation were vast, precise and entertaining. Profound. Illuminated delivery of wisdom.. I've got such enthusiasm to accelerate my move to the present moment, as much as possible.

Ed Edward Van Reenen London, 2018


The alchemy took an exhausting weekend and made it a truly magical one! I’m so glad to have finally made this wonderful, inspirational life affirming weekend.

Chris Westrip London, 2018


To see my own research/experience into/of philosophy, physics, subtle energies, law of attraction, faith etc. combined and explicitly referenced with an inclusive faith practice was like coming home.

Richard Morris London, 2018


I am very grateful for this opportunity to be initiated. What an incredible experience. So many questions answered. I am truly inspired to continue to deepen my yoga practise through Kriya Yoga.

Daniel Stoker London, 2018


Mind opening experience.

Hubert Chybowski London, 2018


Very interesting. Initiation weekend fully fulfilled my expectations and more. Excellent. Very meaningful teaching in plain English. Very well organised.

Purgent Patel London, 2018


I am very impressed. Satyananda effectively transmitted and explained the techniques. The Initiation was engaging and rich. I truly believe that during this weekend I gathered valuable tools to develop my personal spiritual life that will help me to grow and live mindfully in the present. Amazing experience!

Denise Vanessa Tulsidas London, 2018


Really insightful self inquiry.

Tamzen Grove London, 2018


Absolutely amazing. This was exactly what I was looking for. A very informative, practical and illuminating weekend.

Harold Wijetunge London, 2018


I’ve attended Babaji Kriya Yoga events with Amman and can say with all my heart you will be in very good hands. As someone who has completed the first and second initiation with Amman, I can say without a doubt this is an amazing opportunity to learn from an exceptional teacher! When asked to describe Amman I often say he’s the most humble, gentle, kind being who carries great knowledge as he walks peacefully on the earth.

Brenda Feuerstein, Director Traditional Yoga Studies Canada, 2018


What an experience my first Babaji's Kriya Yoga initiation with Amman was on Salt Spring Island!!! A Few words to describe this would be: Positive, uplifting and empowering

After reading the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" by P. Yogananda in 2017, I did some research online about Kriya Yoga and found out about Amman's upcoming seminar in BC. I loved their inclusive approach on the website and decided to sign up.

Amman is a truly amazing teacher and I am really grateful that I was able to attend.

He is friendly, knowledgeable, and also explained the subject matter in a clear, concise manner. He also uses a lot of analogies which were immensely useful at helping to understand the concepts presented. The small group format was great and also allowed us to get to know each other, ask questions and get feedback.

The seminar took place in a beautiful, peaceful yurt, on the stunning property of the Salt Spring Yoga Centre. It covered 18 hatha yoga postures, the 6 phases of the "Kriya Kundalini Pranayama" Technique and also 7 meditations over the weekend. It also includes printed materials to take home to help assimilate and integrate the practice into your daily life.

This practice helps provide lifetime tools for self-realization. Kriya yoga is a beautiful way to stay healthy, happy and to connect to the Source /or the Self. For anyone interested in learning this practice, I definitely recommend Babaji's Kriya Yoga and Amman's classes!!

As a result of my first seminar, I went home feeling blissful and have been enjoying the positive effects of this practice for two months now.

Thank you so much again!

All the best,

Karine G Ucluelet BC, 2018


Perfect. I could not think how it could be better

Aarno Brussels, October, 2017


The workshop exceeded my expectations - it was powerful, heart centred and beneficial. Satyananda is a beautiful soul, with an honest teaching approach. I felt all my potential questions were answered without my having to ask. I would recommend other to embark on this path. This is a special weekend with tools for life

Gina London, England, October, 2017


Just what I wanted. I was in a different world altogether. Time and money well spent for myself, which is rare in my busy life

Kumaar London, England, October, 2017


Really good. Learnt a lot .Feel it can be used for everyday life

Siddartha London, England, October, 2017


Satyananda is a truly gifted teacher - light poured from him throughout the weekend. He offered the right balance of practice and theory

Carol London, England, October, 2017


The benefits are almost immediate. I felt the whole of my body. I know myself better than I ever have. Feel confident taking these skills out into the real world

Aaron London, England, October, 2017


Satyananda is excellent. The workshop exceeded my expectation

Anonymous London, England, October, 2017


Satyananda is one of the best teachers I have known. He explains everything thoroughly. My knowledge has deepened after repeating again

Anonymous London, England, October, 2017


Doing Kriya Yoga is changing me. Before, I used to feel angry. Now, I feel calmer and more at peace.

Maran London, England, September, 2017


What a blessing to have spent last week at the ashram and receive the 2 initiations and just absorb healing and restoring energy. Even a magical snow storm.

Thank you for your never ending work in bringing this profound teaching and making it so accessible for those who wish to learn.  

Not only did I deepen my own practice, but the glimpses of eternity that surfaced during some of those practices were deeply inspiring.  I am so grateful to you and your team at the ashram and beyond for your love and dedication, and enjoyed getting to know you a little on the various car journeys that we shared.  
Many thanks for the early morning ride to Magog and for the Indian outpost excursion, my children were very happy with their presents..!   

I am so inspired and excited to continue on this glorious path, even with some obstacles..   After such a peaceful, relaxed and meditative week it was a rather tumultuous re-entry into my ‘noisy’ life, I have to confess to feeling a little overwhelmed at first as many little ones vied for attention and I genuinely (and a little tearfully) wondered if it would be possible to find the space to continue the practice..  
But as always divine energy is helping and I am back to 4 am rising and wonderful meditation time.. Long may it continue!

Please stay in touch and let me know when the level 3 initiation will be next year and the Badrinath Pilgrimage, I am very keen to put both in my diary and make it happen!

I will also be copying you into communications with Savitri

I hear that the snow is still falling, so I wish you all a beautiful and early winter, and really so much love from my overflowing heart, it was above and beyond what I was asking for, Thank You!

Kyra M Quebec, CA, 2016


Profound gratitude for you initiating us, you are fabulous in your knowledge, the energy and positivity.

Dr. Om K. Mumbai, India, 2016


I attended it wholly and came out overwhelmed. Yogacharya has great oratory skills and a way of explaining concepts in a simple manner. We have received the booklet on a suggested schedule of practising. So now it all boils down to my own practice! The workshop was a great experience for me, so thank you once again!

Sonali S. Mumbai, India, 2016


The first level initiation introduced me to advanced yogic practices which have a very deep effect on the spiritual level, yet they are very easy practice. It heightened my state of REAL awareness. Acharya Satyanandaji explained the practices in simple words, even unleashing the scientific side of all these yogic activities. The positive outcomes of regularly practicing these kriyas was a reason strong enough for me to take the second level initiation and also look forward to the third and final level initiation.

Om Kriya Babaji Nama Om

Bhumika Pandya India, January 2015


Marina thank you....it was wonderful....elevating, enlightening, comforting, inspiring and immediately actionable ....all rolled into one ....not many things like that on this planet.

Mike and Scott London, July 2014


I want to thank you for the Initiation and for bringing yourself and Satyananda into our lives. The experience was very inspirational and has helped me a great deal. It's just what I needed to realign myself.

Thank you.

Alison Rice London, July 21, 2014


Just to say thanks for the chance to attend an amazing course. Archarya Satyananda is really excellent and truely inspirational. I'm looking foward to the 2nd Level immensely but also planning to attend at least one more Level 1.

I hoped to learn an integrated system of meditation, physical movements ,pranayama etc. The course provided all of this but ,in addition, I've come away with a much deeper understanding of Kriya Yoga and myself. I keep running through in my mind some of the ideas the Archarya explained - a lot of things in life seem to make more sense now. It's quite hard to explain in words. Several times during the weekend I had that 'deja-vu' sensation.

Many Thanks

Chris Dyson London, July 21, 2014


Satyananda is a highly informed and gifted teacher, with his ability to merge in an effective and precise way, my earlier disparate yoga practices into a unified whole. He is highly adept at introducing powerful techniques and practices in a way that is both accessible and attainable to non-adepts without diluting the essence of the Kriya Yoga practices.

I have I found that Kriya Yoga is the fullest flowering of yogic practices that integrates the broadest possible techniques and yoga philosophy into a cohesive and effective practice. A yoga practice offered as a living experience.

Jennifer Ellis London, October 2013


With all the chatter around concepts like 'resilience', 'mindfulness' and 'mental toughness', this two and a half day 'initiation' cut through the noise and I arrived at a whole heap of stuff that I could take back and use immediately.

I now find I have more space. I feel calm, despite what is going on around me.

Sherwyn Singh London, October 2013


The programme was just right. Enough information for the time we had. The Acharya is a natural teacher. He obviously knows his subject very well and was able to explain things in a logical manner. When I look back I can't believe how much complex stuff we got through.! It didn't feel like it at the time.

I experienced that we all had potential for being happy and free. I did not believe in God, did not know if He existed - at the program, I experienced something which makes me feel that something does exist.

Sonal Amin London, October 2013


Thank you for organising a wondrful initiation course. I found it quite intense, but it felt sacred and meaningful and I was very impressed with the Acharya’s knowledge and his ease with explaining the different exercises. I am currently reading, ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’.

Deborah Wahl London, October 2013


I am grateful for the depth and breadth of the Acharya's knowledge, and the ease with which he introduced us to complex practises. The whole weekend was uplifting with its powerful energy.

Lisa Campbell London, October 2013


I feel happy. I have so much energy. My Meditation practice has been re-established to a daily routine, I am happy to take things slowly, internalize and see where this takes me.

Meditation practice has been re-established to a daily routine, I am happy to take things slowly, internalize and see where this takes me.

Paula Gonsalves London, October 2023


I realise that now the time has come to be still

Kiran Shetty London, October 2013


It was a really intense but a wonderful experience. I found that the practice helps me greatly in my life in many unexpected ways.

Yu Ting London, October 2013


I am so humbled and grateful to the Acharya for helping me better understand the purpose of self realization and the awakening ones gets from pranayama and meditation

Reuben Jeganathan London, October 2013





2nd Initiation

Heartfelt thanks to Satyananda ji and Gurudasan ji for such a profound session. Love and light to all my fellow kriyabans who made this experience even more wonderful and sublime with their presence and energy. It was wonderful to connect with each one of you & hope we meet again soon.

Nisha Bengalure 2025

I am truly grateful to Satyananda ji

Gurudasan sir
It was truly a very memorable experience one that I will carry with me wherever I will go

Nilanjana Haldar Bengalure 2025

Second initiation, beyond expectations

Another excellent retreat, learning from teacher Amman! Words can't hardly convey what we have experienced during the second initiation. It was exactly what I needed. After a busy summer and dealing with an overactive mind, it has helped me slow down, be present, be surrounded by beautiful nature, meet fantastic people, make new friends, learn new tools to clear the mind and handle hard emotions. It was the perfect reset. With the second initiation practices, I felt joy, peace and bliss. A lightness that I haven't felt in a while. We also had an undeniable group experience while practicing one of the advanced yoga techniques... that has expanded my mind and heart to what is possible! The mantra ceremony was also heart-opening and powerful. Amman's love for mantras is contagious. If you feel called to deepen your Babaji kriya yoga practice, you won't regret it. Thanks a million! Karine, BC, Canada

Anonymous 2024

It is challenging to try to express with words something that it is so deep in the soul, but I will try:
All my gratitude to Kriya Yoga that has allowed me to understand that everything is inside us. 
Thanks to that I could make changes in my life of things that weren't working anymore in a very natural way and with a lot of joy.
Kriya Yoga has given me a beautiful sense to life. Simply magical!

Om Kriya Babaji Nama Aum

Paloma France, Juin 2016

Having experienced the beauty of the second initiation, I want to thank the entire organization from the depth of my heart for playing such an important role in transforming the lives of people and bringing them to a higher level of consciousness. I really am greatful to all of you for that.

Would be my pleasure if I can play any role in volunteering for the organization. Blessing to be born during the period when you are sharing the most precious knowledge ... Can't ask for more from the almighty. I feel that finally I am home.

Om Kriya Babaji Nama Aum

Bhumika Pandya India, February 2015


Level II brings the profound awareness shift of Level I and our subsequent self practise together into an integrated whole; and teaches us how to integrate this into our everyday lives.

Ali Gunning London


I simply wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the experience we all shared this past weekend. I find myself still glowing from its after-effects.

The environment you have created for others to pursue and develop their self-realization is in my experience unmatched. It is a combination of both the meticulously complete presence and devotion you give to the work and the immense freedom and open space you create for others to experience and experiment with it that is such a priceless gift. It is that giving entirely of one-self without making any demands in return that I am incredibly awed and humbled by. I am so very happy to have come back, despite having waited so long to do so, I feel like I have made a quantum leap in my progress this weekend. I also feel very fortunate to have all this made available so close to my home and count on returning on other occasions as often as I can. Your presence is simply divine. If I can be of any other service, please consider me dutifully available.

Izak Benrobi Montreal, Quebec, March 21, 2005





3rd Initiation

A heartfelt gratitude to Acharyaji Satyananda… a true torch bearer of Balaji’s lineage 🙏 Lots of kudos & appreciation to all of you our dear Kriyabans …. You made these 10 days a beautiful experience 💕

Nirja Sharma Bengalure 2025



I was very happy to see you again last Sunday. It has already been 3 years since the 3rd initiation which was such a rich experience. If I had had a little more time, I would have told you in person my immense appreciation of Babaji's Kriya Yoga and I would have thanked you for the constant effort you make to transmit it to a multitude of people. In 3 years, beatitude becomes more and more to the fore in my life, through identification with the Witness. These are simple words, but of a depth unsuspected by non-practitioners.

Michael P. Quebec, 2024





Teachers Training

I would like to share with you the experience of the teacher's training with Sita.
The course was deeply transforming. Perhaps the biggest lesson was the integration of the high states of consciousness in all actions, the experience of the tantric approach to the world.

We also experienced the asanas in a new way which induces deep states of silence.
We were learning in full joy, love and union.

I would like to express the profound gratitude to the Siddha Tradition for the truly inestimable blessing that it is.

Jay Babaji, Jay Mataji, Jay Siddhas!

Nevena France, July 2014


I come from the South of France with a sense of profound joy and gratitude for all that we have been able to share during that teacher's training with Sita. The program was very rich, with many scenarios that have brought us great confidence in the practice and teaching. The anatomy course was very moving and the food was divine and full of Prana!
For now we water these small seeds they bloom! I look forward to seeing you soon!

Peace and Joy! Om Kriya Babaji Nama Aum

Yolanda Gonzalez France, July 2014






Journey to the silence


Last fall I received the second initiation in Babaji’s Kriya Yoga in Switzerland from Acharya Satyananda. As a result, my desire to "visit" Babaji in the Himalayas and spend some time at the Kriya Yoga Ashram, in Badrinath, grew even more. So, I traveled to India for 3 weeks in May, 2019, where I spent a week in mid-May in the ashram in Badrinath. My journey took me from Delhi to Rishikesh, then to Badrinath and back via the Dunagiri Hills, Dwarahat, Raniket, Chiliyanauia, Nainital and back to Delhi.

For the trip, I rented a Suzuki four-wheel drive with a driver at a travel agency in Delhi. Costs for the entire tour including gasoline, insurance and other fees: around $ 1,000. I was not bound to any bus or taxi departure times and could go anywhere I wanted.

The drive from Rishikesh to Badrinath took about 8 hours along a twisting scenic two lane road, high above the Ganges and Alakananda Rivers. In heavy traffic, accompanied at times by a concert of honking horns, bumpy roads, past cows, motorcycles, cars and rocking trucks. We crossed meltwater streams and while going through a few towns within a few centimeters of crowds of pedestrians walking int the crowded streets. My driver was experienced and calmly mastered every challenge. At 18.30 we reached Badrinath, at 5 degrees Celsius (43 degrees Fahrenheit) and rain drizzle. This sacred place of pilgrimage is at 3,100 meters (10,300 feet) altitude. In winter it is completely snowed in, the electricity and water are switched off, and Badrinath is "locked". People move to their second homes further south. They come back from May to October.

Power place for the soul: the Kriya Yoga Ashram

When we arrived in Badrinath, Narendra, who works in the ashram, was already waiting for us. I informed his manager, Rohit, in advance, by phone about my arrival. Telephone communication works best there, with the mobile operator Airtel, although this connection breaks off again and again. Internet is not available in Badrinath, unless you have Wifi, but even that works only sporadically. A porter helped with the luggage and we marched for more than a kilometer on a comfortable rock path and up the stairs to the Kriya Yoga Ashram. . From a distance we could already see the big ashram building. After walking from the roadhead for about 10 minutes we arrived at the ashram.

Nice accommodation

The ashram manager, Rohit Naithani, greeted me warmly and took me upstairs to my accommodation. It was one of thirteen small apartments, and it contained two beds, a spacious closet, dining table, a kitchenette with sink, hot and cold water faucets, a kettle, thermos, crockery and cutlery. Attached was a spacious bathroom with toilet, shower, and there was always hot water. A heater made for a cozy warm atmosphere. Incidentally, I did not need an adapter for European plugs. The view from the room was terrific. when I awoke the next morning from the bells of the great Vishnu temple, known as Sri Badrinarayan, the sun rose just above the mountains and illuminated the snowy peaks in golden light. The air was crystal clear, and a breathtaking landscape lay ahead of me.

A Place of Paradise

The ashram is very spacious. On two levels are the guest rooms. On the lower level additional office, communal kitchen and dining room as well as the accommodations of the ashram employees. Also on the ground floor, is a meditation hall with a beautiful altar, where Babaji’s photo is honored. From there, a staircase leads to the upper floor, to the Yoga Hall, which extends almost over the entire complex and offers a magnificent view over Badrinath and its mountains. There, I found everything I needed to practice and meditate and practice the asanas: Yogamats, blankets and cushions. When the sun is up in the sky, and the windows are open I inhaled the scent of nature and felt that I was truly in paradise.

There are many paths to hike leading from the ashram. Also, Badrinath and the nearby Mana, the "last village of India", are worth seeing. Here, follows some personal impressions.

Hiking in the spirit of the mountains

Directly above the ashram is a path leading up into the mountains, towards Nilkantha, a 6500 meter high snow peak, around which many myths from the Mahabarata entwine. The trail is made of stone and easy to walk on. It leads through a long high valley, in which in some places there is still snow in May. With good hiking boots and warm clothes hiking there in May is feasible. June, or September, before and after the annual monsoon rainswould be the optimal periods to visit.

After about three hours of trekking, the Nilkantha peak appeared before me in all its glory. On the way back, some Sadhus invited me to their homes where they live from May to September. We drank delicious chai and talked in English or some other "intuitive language".

Badrinath: a lively village and sacred temple

You can walk from the ashram to the village comfortably downhill in 10 minutes. Badrinath temple is one of four holy pilgrimage places that a devout Hindu should visit in his lifetime. It is dedicated to the god Vishnu. In the winding streets near it you will find many market stalls that offer everything you need. There are many restaurants with good, reasonably priced food and tea kitchens everywhere. A hot water spring,) just below the temple, is visited by pilgrims for bathing before going to the temple with separate sections for men and women. On cold days, I liked to warm up there in the company of well-tempered Indians.

Mana: the last village in India

Located 5 kilometers from Badrinath and less than 30 km from the Chinese border, is the picturesque village of Mana, also known as the "last village of India". Small stone houses cling to the slope of the mountain, in a labyrinth of lanes leading uphill and downhill. Its inhabitants are Bhotia, Buddhists of Tibetan origin. They wear beautiful costumes, cultivate fields of potatoes, raise sheep and goats, and make woolen carpets and knitwear. From Mana, after 7 kilometers on a paved path, you will reach the famous Vasudhara Waterfall, which falls from a rocky hole high in the mountain wall. Its water is collected by Hindus and brought to their homes for ritual purposes.

I'll be back...

The stay in Badrinath, especially in the Kriya Yoga Ashram, was very special for me. The Ashram is a wonderful place of strength and silence, of clarity and expanse in magnificent nature. Practicing Kriya Yoga there daily was the culmination of spiritual practice for me. Soon I will return to this magical place, but for an extended period in August or September. The care provided by its staff is excellent. Rohit and Narendra are good cooks. They also taught me to prepare roti, fried wheat dough. Rohit is also an excellent connoisseur of the best itineraries in India and gave me valuable tips and hints for my return journey.

Om Kriya Babaji Nama Aum.

Kornelia Kirchweger May 2019

My name is Thierry GRUDA and I am a Kriya Yoga practitioner in Martinique.

I followed the yoga teacher training given by Shivadas in Martinique in July 2016. Since this training, my personal practice, my way of teaching, my person and my whole life have been completely upset.

And Kriya Yoga is now the central pillar. This practice allowed me to understand my Dharma and to discern what were the true aspirations of my soul. I am extremely grateful to Life for giving me this chance and for allowing me to find my true path among the infinite ways this world offers us.

This year, for the first time, I went to India for the pilgrimage organized in September with Shivadas, Ganapathy and Annapurna. The idea of going to India was a dream. For me, this represented what a pilgrimage to Mecca represents for a Muslim. And this experience exceeded my expectations and expectations. My first striking memory is amazement. That's what I felt when I arrived in Rishikesh and discovered that the Ganges, the sacred river, ran at the feet of our hotel! I remained speechless for long minutes. This gift was so beautiful and so big!

Thank you for choosing this place, I appreciated its comfort, its welcome, the presence of the Ganges, the proximity of Rishikesh and all these sites of a high vibration that allowed me to get in touch with the culture of India and with its spirituality. After the first 4 days, I was already filled with sensations, experiences and emotions. But the best was yet to come ...

I cannot find the words to say what was my stay in Badrinath. Certainly it is one of the most beautiful and holy places on this planet.

I was amazed by the scenery, the sky and the clouds, the Badrinath valley, the mountains and the mountain paths, the rivers and the waterfalls, the mountainside Ashram, the millennial temple, the village, its inhabitants, devotees and pilgrims, saddhus and swamis ...

To walk in the mountain until exhaustion having the feeling of walking towards the Divine, to recite endlessly the mantra of abandonment to the Lord, to practice every day in the Ashram, to breathe the air of this sacred place and to take charge of prana, sing for hours at Mantra Yagna, stay in silence and meditation, isolate oneself to meditate and be deeper in oneself ... Never, never in my life have I felt so close to the Source , Consciousness, the Divine.

During this pilgrimage, I think I have experienced the highest self.

For me, as for most of those who made this trip, there will be a before and after Badrinath. We cannot leave this place by being the same.

I wanted to thank you for this unique experience and for this Ashram that allows Kriyabans around the world to reside in this sacred place and to experience the consciousness.

Thierry GRUDA Martinque, Sept. 2018

I can sincerely say that my participation in the pilgrimage to Badrinath was life changing. The “outer” experiences of visiting the sacred places and sharing with fellow kriyabans were as wonderful as one could imagine, however the real magic was in the opportunity to learn so much about myself and Babaji and to deepen the kriya practice. Since returning to my householder routine, my sadhana has supported me more than ever. Work, play, relationships and all of life have become a beautiful pilgrimage. What a blessing!

Dan Boise, Idaho, Oct 2017

No words can express exactly what I feel now. I decided to go to India from nothing and knowing nothing at all, without any expectation my only desire was to surrender with an open heart to any kind of learning and insight that for me would already be enough in this journey where I am only learning to crawl.

My purpose was just to listen, to feel and to learn .... I heard as much as I could, a lot of information .... of course I did not absorb half of it, but I was not worried and I kept my peace of mind knowing that gradually and every day I would absorb more and more ... since for me this is a path with no return. I felt, eternal gratitude for being there and being part of that journey, gratitude for life or something that allowed me to be there so easily ... without obstacles to overcome. What I learned cannot be explained with words but .... something tender that I feel in the depths of my being.

I did not know I was worthy of everything I was receiving  ... for free! And because of that my gratitude and responsibility to the world had now increased. Yes ... I need to be responsible to the world. Yes .... I need to have responsible attitudes to try to give back a little of what I receive every day.
When I arrived in Brazil and got my car at the airport, I still drove an hour until arriving at my house and only then I realized how empty my mind was. It was a wonderful feeling because I had never felt what this was. The thoughts were not invading my head, my mind was so quiet ..... in complete peace. I tried to maintain this state ... but today after 5 days of my arrival .... the mind is no longer so silent, the thoughts already try to invade again and it is a constant exercise for the mind to be and to keep calm. This feeling was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had.

Everything was better than I expected although I did not have expectations. More comfort than I expected, better food, temples, Ashrams, Swamis ..... people of the world!

I did not miss anything, not even my family although I love them, or my home despite of the comfort I have, the food, or anything else. In fact I was 100% present at each moment and this was also a new, incredible and wonderful experience.

I can write several pages but .... these few words can already give a sample of my gratitude to the people who promoted this possibility and to the Universe for what I received.

TODAY (April 3rd ) 1 month after my arrival, I feel, in a delicate way, that something has changed inside myself, that is good, I feel more peace, more patience and conformity with things that do not depend on me .... and calmer to do my daily activities. I came back with the feeling that I am really on the right path, looking for light and truth, in my rhythm but with more thirst for knowledge, to live and to experience more of this that I have lived with you.
 Thank you, Satyananda, Sita and Shararandevi so much for all the assistance you gave us. All the time worried about us. You were with arms and hearts opened to welcome us and to give us the best of everything.

Luciana Barbosa Feb 2017


During this trip I was able to measure the true meaning of the Pilgrimage, to feel the profound

Transformation in all the Bodies : physical, vital, mental ...

Everything is present at the same time, the inner diving and the external "bubbling"

India puts all our senses in awakening with its shimmering colors, smells, flavors, its "symphony" of multiple and varied noises,...) An exercise (like a "yoyo" at the beginning) for Consciousness to remain present to both aspects (internal and external) at the same time. The practice in unusual conditions of all these hours dedicated to the kriya yoga sadhana... reveals the witness and opens an unsuspected and Infinite inner field. Nityananda, Nityananda, Nityananda ...

Awareness of the diversity of places carrying the energy of Realized Beings (Sri Ramanamarshi, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Boghanatar, Ramanuga). Every visited place resonated with deep Aspiration and provides additional light to the Intention posed in the beginning of the pilgrimage.

What a chance to meet Beings of Wisdom and Heart such as Venkatesh, Sunildas, Ritodgata, Hari Narayana ... Each of them by its Presence of Infinite Love, its Essence, a few right words ... raises a little the veil.

Awareness of the richness of the group with all these different nationalities, all our interactions, these magnificent encounters of Heart to Heart beyond the language, and the naturally unifying aspect of Kriya Yoga. We share what we have most Intimate, most Ultimate.

During this pilgimage, we were guided with the comfort of a "flying mat" free of material contingencies.

Attentive listening gave us a safe and warm framework allowing the internal expansion.

The careful and enlightened pilgrimage's preparation of Satya, Sita and Sharana Devi, allowed us in a very condensed time to discover places and people of rare quality...

A really living energy of Transformation.

What would have taken months, if not years, if not several lives ... in other times. This Pilgrimage is a full Initiation... the seed is planted, remains to nourish it with our constant attention until complete integration.

Infinite Gratitude to Satchidanada, Satya, Sita, Sharana Devi.

Love, Love, Love

Om kriya Babaji Nama Aum Om Nama Shivaya

Danielle Belgique Feb 2017


Here I am home from India and I have been so deeply touch by our pilgrimage to South India. It was the best experience of my life and I am so grateful for it. It has touched me so very deeply. The presence of The Mother and Sri Auribindo and Ramana Maharshi are now with me. They are part of my inner family along with Babaji I am so grateful for the email you sent me countering my naturopath's health concerns. I so nearly did not go to India. I myself had so many fears and resistance to going, but deep in my heart I knew that I wanted to go.

I have been touched by so much. Each of the high spiritual energy places were so special and I felt such a deep silence and calm come into my being. This started in Triruvanumalai and remained with me throughout the pilgrimage. I experienced my chattering mind still and I was able to just be there in the moment. I feel a deep connection with the Mother and Sri Aurobindo and their writings and presence inspire me daily,also my experiences on the pilgrimage.

I also felt so blessed to be part of the group of people on the pilgrimage. Each person was wonderful, but having Lene as a room mate was grace and my special healing from Steve on the last morning. I am so grateful to you and Durga for creating this pilgrimage and for being with us. You gave each of us such an opportunity to grow and feel the Divine within. I am so grateful.

Barbara McDonald , 2005






The Satsang has given me a clearer view on several areas covered in the first initiation. Not because the initiation didn't cover it all, but mostly because the initiation covered too much for my mind to comprehend. To be reminded of the surrender pose in particular, the one I had completely forgotten, were especially helpful since I started the year off with a bit of an emotional turmoil. Surrendering it all left me feeling better straight away and even more so now, a week later.

Going through it all again, or the parts I was uncertain of revealed details I had forgotten and when included made it easier to go deeper into each asana, be more present with who I know I am.

Vibeke Hoff





Grace Course

I started the grace course last year. It's really been a wonderful program and I cannot recommend enough to anyone thinking about it. Every lesson is incredibly rich, I re-read 2 or 3 times uncovering different insights each time. There are hidden gems on every line and beautiful exercises to incorporate in our Sadhana practice. The correspondence with Durba has helped me engage with the teachings on a deeper level than I otherwise would have. Each lesson seems to appear at just the right time to help me navigate a particular challenge I am facing at that moment. I am so thankful for the opportunity to learn and deepen my practice through the course.

For sure aspirants will also benefit. Anyone with an interest in yoga, self study, inner work will get a great deal from this course. Different insights may appear for different people depending on who you are, where you’ve come from and where you are in your journey. But all will benefit.

Daniel Stoker - Initiate

I am really happy that I took this course. It helped me on so many levels, in my understanding of yoga, in my teaching, in my daily life, relationships with people etc. I thought the pace of one lesson per month was perfect as you really need time to go through the material slowly. I also have been returning to the previous lessons from time to time as It is an invaluable source of knowledge and wisdom. I think I will keep doing that for a long time until I know it by heart.

I wish it would continue forever.

It is good especially for people who have some previous knowledge of yoga beyond asanas.

Tatiana Zhelezko - Initiate

I have really enjoyed the Grace Course and am very grateful for the opportunity to take it up. I have found it progressively more and more challenging and thought provoking as I progress. The feedback from Durga is really helpful too and she always manages to not just answer my questions but go beyond them and know where I am coming from. I find I need to give myself quite a bit of time in between lessons to really absorb the thinking and I found I could usefully apply the early teachings to my relationships and daily life experiences. Lesson five is more into the realms of the unknown or an area I know less about and I am thrilled to think that I am delving into new territory and learning and journeying on a path that I have been searching for, for a very long time.

Lesley Nicholls - Non-Initiate




Retreat Center for Rent

From the moment of stepping onto the retreat center's grounds, we were transported into a deep inner stillness. A most conducive place for yoga sadhana, draped in a stunning backdrop of expansive nature. The staff was most helpful and cheerful and all communications made quick and easy. We look forward to returning next year for more delicious food, beautiful chants by the fire and being steeped in a yogic environment.

Radhasri (Rhonda Fogel) of Hatha Yoga Shala, Shadow Yoga Montreal





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Silent Retreat at Quebec Ashram

Initiation at the Quebec

Christmas to New Years retreat
Dec 24, 2024 – Jan 2, 2025

Click here for details

1st Initiation
May 16-18, 2025
May 23-25, 2025
August 29-31, 2025

With M. G. Satchidananda

Quebec: click here for details
Warwick, RI: click here for details

Free Yoga classes at the Kriya Yoga Ashram in St. Etienne de Bolton
Tuesday: 9:30am. - 11am.
Sunday: 1pm. - 2:30pm.

Click here for details

2nd Initiation
June 20-22, 2025
October 3-5, 2025
With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

3rd Initiation
July 18-27, 2025
With M. G. Satchidananda

Click here for details

Kriya Hatha Teacher Training
July 31 - August 15, 2025
With M. G. Satchidananda and Durga Ahlund

Click here for details

M.G. Satchidananda receives Patanjali Award for 2014

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